Gmail / Facebook Style Chat Application

Posted: Friday 17th of July 2015

Scratched Cards Generator System

The Scratched Cards Generator System is a secured web application that generates unlimited number of scratched cards which can be used in Schools, Colleges or Universities to help the institution generate funds via checking of students results.
With this system, Schools, Colleges or Universities can publish the results of their students based on sessions, generate scratched cards which can accommodate all the students in a particular session and then sell the scratched cards to the students who intend to check their results on-line.
When students want to check or see their results either for a particular session or their whole sessions, they have to buy scratched cards which have been generated by the institution sales department and then check their result using their Student ID and the purchased scratched cards.
This will help Schools, Colleges or Universities to raise additional funds via the checking of their students results.
When generating scratched cards, the School, College or University can set a session in which they want to generate the scratched cards, they can set how they want the scratched cards to be used after purchase which are either to use the scratched cards for the session in which the cards have been generated alone or to use the cards for the general sessions, they can set the number of times they want the scratched cards to be used before they expire, they can set the total number of cards they want to generate for the session they may have selected selected and finally set the price they intend to sell the cards to enable the system print the prices on the scratched cards.
There are two methods in which students results can be added to the system.
(1) Manual method via a form
(2) Auto method via a CSV file
The institution who intend to use the system can add the results of their students manually via a form or automatically via a CSV. A sample format for CSV file comes with the application when purchased.
The institution who intend to use the system can set the currency sign they intend to use when selling the scratched cards to enable the system print the sign along side with the prices on the scratched cards before generating the scratched cards
The institution can add or manage the sessions they offer in their schools before generating the scratched cards, they can view and download the generated scratched cards when they like via the admin control panel of the system.
For students to check their results after purchasing a scratched card from the institution sales department, they need to submit their Student ID and the PIN Number of the purchased scratched card
Proper validation will be carried out by the system on the information supplied by the student to be sure that the details submitted are valid and that the scratched card used has not expired.
The scratched cards saved in the database are properly encrypted that no one can have access to them should the institution compromise their server login details.
No two students can use a single purchased scratched card to check their different results as this can affect the sales of the scratched cards. In a situation where it occurs, the system will alert the student with the message "The PIN number: ********** has already been used by someone else"
An Admin can view the results of the students, the students can as well view their results using their Student ID and the Scratched Cards they buy, they can also print their results after seeing it if they want.
The system as a whole was designed with the following programming languages: PHP, MySql, JavaScript (Ajax / Jquery), CSS and HTML
The system is responsive to screen which makes it work on all devices such as Mobile or small screen computers with a very beautiful design. You can easily change the name of the website via the settings page at the Admin Control Panel.
The system is so user friendly that all you need to do on each page while logged into the system as an Admin are properly explained at the top of that page. Installing the system is very easy, effortless and can only take you few minutes. All you need is a computer with an internet connection to use or install the system.
There are two sections for demo namely Admin Section and the Students Section.
To visit the demo section for Admin, simply click on the Admin Demo button below and to visit the demo section for students or candidates, please click on the Student Demo button below and if you intend to buy the application, please click on the Contact Sales button below or email us at info@vasplus.info or sales@vasplus.info.

We hope to hear from you!

Thank You.
The Vasplus Team.

System Screen Shots

Admin Login Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Student Validation Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Create New School Session Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

School Sessions Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Edit School Session Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Update Currency Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Generate Scratched Cards Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Add Students Results Manually via Form Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Add Students Results Automatically via a CSV file Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Add Students Results Automatically via a CSV file Preview Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Change Admin Password Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

Update website settings Interface

Scratched Cards Generator System

That's it guys...

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Total Views: 2798


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