Gmail / Facebook Style Chat Application

Posted: Tuesday 20th of March 2018

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

The Web has become increasingly interactive and the need to implement a special messaging system has become a necessity to enhance user experience.

This is a Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft and Trash box with design and functionality similar to that of Gmail and programming languages used are Ajax/Jquery, PHP, CSS, HTML

The system has private and group messaging features where you can either communicate with an individual privately or with some group of users at a time with amazing functionalities.

The system has some special features which you can not find in other similar applications over the net.

Below are some features of the messaging system:

(1) Responsive design

(2) High in security

(3) Compose New Message with file attachment

(4) Auto save new messages in Draft box which is similar to Gmail Inbox Messaging System

(5) Refresh Mail Boxes such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft and Trash box without page refresh

(6) Reply to Messages or Forward messages to other users

(7) Nice display of Confirmation Box for message deletion

(8) Display of device used for sending messages such as Browser name and Operation System installed on the device used

(9) Smilies support for composing new message

(10) You can send multiple files at a time

(11) You can send videos in message and supported videos are YouTube and Vimeo

(12) You can enlarge photos sent in messages and you can as well download files sent in messages to your PC

(13) HTML formatted messages support

(14) Mark as Read or Mark as Unread support - You can mark new messages as Read and you can also mark Read messages as Unread

(15) Delete entire conversation or delete multiple conversations at a time

This powerful messaging system supports all modern browsers and uses MySqli procedural method for the database queries.

The system comes with a language file to enable you easily change the text used throughout the messaging system to suit your needs.

This is a very simple to understand application as all you need to do are well explained in the README.txt file that comes with the system.

The script is very easy to understand and customize with programming code comments to ease usability.

To see the system in action, please click on the Live Demo button below and click on the Download button to buy the script if you like it.

Thank You!
The Vasplus Team.

Sample Screen Shots

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

Messaging System with features such as Inbox, Sent box, Draft box and Trash box

That's it guys...

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